
别名:Dating the Delaneys
主演:Rachel·Boston / Paul·Campbell / Zoë
Since the divorce from her husband David, Maggie Delaney has partly moved on with her life in opening her own bakery, she and her business partner Devon who want to expand by opening a second location if only they could get more exposure. Maggie has to be all things to her two children, sixteen year old Emma and fourteen year old Gary, in David being a deadbeat father who doesn't have time for them despite his scheduled days with them which he never makes. Maggie comes to the realization that it is time for her to move on with the personal side of her life when her widowed mother Barb starts dating a man named Rick, Emma has her first crush on a classmate named Zack, but most importantly David announces that he is imminently getting remarried. Maggie entering the dating scene is easier said than done in not having gone on a date in twenty years. Widowed PR consultant Michael Taylor, Gary's best friend Will's father, and someone Maggie considers a friend herself, suggests that they, as friends, go on practice dates together to hone their dating skills in a comfortable setting. As Maggie watches both Barb and Emma go through their dating highs and lows, she, as she goes through her own dates with men that she largely meets online, may not be able to see that Michael would like a chance to be that next man in her life in being there for her in every important aspect of life, and not just in a practice sense.—Huggo
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防守三秒判点球2022-09-23 11:45:13
“there's no such thing as 'pretendate'."
熊小叔叔叔2022-08-24 09:24:27
No.2595 《与德莱尼家族约会》 北美那边儿的人是真爱开面包店啊。不过这部电影关于蛋糕、甜点的内容少了些,都是暧昧了。
a hedgehog2022-09-03 23:15:18
Candy2023-06-27 02:22:33
电影人2025-02-10 01:12:36